Wednesday, February 26, 2014

SOCIAL networking Pt. 1

Over the course of my 35 years, I have been blessed to have attended some “good schools” and take advantage of some great personal and professional opportunities.  Invariably, as each of those opportunities came to an end (graduation, another opportunity, etc..), you always exchange daps and hugs with everyone and say the obligatory “Make sure you keep in touch!”, “Don’t forget us!”,  and “Here’s my info, hit me up!!”, which I’ve learned over the years was actually just a nice way of saying “Goodbye!”, “It’s been real!”, or “Catch you next lifetime!”.

We’re probably all guilty of this and it’s certainly not intentional, we absolutely intended on keeping in touch, but your good intent is often replaced with trying to cope and balance new challenges, opportunities, and sometimes new  friends (sorry, Drake!) which just made it impossible… until Social Networks!

One of the things I love about social networks is that it has afforded me the opportunity to rekindle and maintain some lost friendships, meet and interact with people who I didn’t get a chance to interact with much (or at all) in those former schools and opportunities, and just keep a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in my friends’ lives when mine sometimes gets too busy to even place a call (but not too busy to check social networks, obviously … nobody’s that busy! … lol).  

Whether, it’s a simple comment on a post (ratchet or uplifting, personal or professional, serious or funny), a quick “hello” through an inbox, or just seeing you post something on your page, I know you’re doing well (or at least well enough … well, most of you … some of you I can see the tears streaming through those motivational memes... lol ), I appreciate you all and I’m happy to have you as “friends”.   

But then again …. What do I know?!!

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