Sunday, July 18, 2010

Trey Songz ... Bringin' Morals Back??

This morning while driving, I heard the new Trey Songz single on the radio 'I'm Already Taken', and I instantly put on my hater hat.  I thought 'Damn homey, save some of the ladies for the rest of us!! .. this dude is constantly finding new ways every day to get all the women!!'.  Over the last few years, we have witnessed Trey Songz quietly rise from being the average R&B singer to the biggest R&B sensation on the planet.  From young girls to old hags alike, you'd be hard pressed to find a single one that is not crazy about this guy and I knew that this song would only enhance and bolster his position.  Everyone knows that if you ask any woman what they want in a relationship,  they will always say honesty and faithfulness (no, they aren't necessarily the same, but that's another blog), and here goes Mr Songz hitting them in their soft spot with 'I'm Already Taken'.

However, after the effects of my haterade wore off, I thought of a different perspective.  I thought instead that perhaps Trey Songz should be commended for this bold step that he has taken.  In a world where every entertainer and 'role model' (rapper, r&b singer, rock star, athlete, politician, spiritual leaders, etc) show us by both their words and actions that debauchery and polygamy are what define men (and many of us buy into it), Trey Songz has taken a different approach: Trey Songz has publicly declared that monogamy is cool.  He can go to the clubs and women can throw themselves at him and he has no problems  announcing 'I'm Already Taken'.   This isn't the first time he's done it either.. In his video for the song 'Your Side of the Bed', he played the role of a husband whose wife was deployed to war and he was anxiously awaiting her return, which she never did (She died at war and he broke down crying at the door further tugging on these women's heart strings .. Monogamy and a man not afraid to cry?!! .. That bastard!!! ... Hey, how did this hater hat come back on?!.. Lol). Anyway, I've digressed :-) ... How cool is it that the person who has the attention of all the ladies (and all the men that are trying to find out the secret to his super powers), is suggesting that its cool to be a one lady man?  Could Trey Songz (consciously or not) be taking the first step towards bringing morality back into our society?

Undoubtedly, pop culture plays a huge role in influencing all of us (not just our children).  While I do agree that parents ultimately have the responsibility of teaching children right from wrong, it is definitely pop culture that enforces or dissuades those teachings.  Pop culture is the reason our kids want these ridiculous looking clothes, why our grown folk want jewelry, why we bought the 4.6 instead of the 4.0 Range Rover, and why we want those expensive sneakers.. Because whether we admit it or not, somewhere in the back of our minds we believe that if we mimic them even if its ever so slightly we might somehow yield the same results.  So imagine when all our heroes from Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Bill Clinton, Shaquille O'neal, and music stars in their songs and videos reinforce that every man cheats.  It almost suggests that it's a prerequisite for greatness and a way of proving your manhood.  It is constantly being imprinted on the minds of our impressionable society (not just men either .. I've even heard women accept less than they deserve by saying things like 'every man cheats, but I'm who he comes home to at night' which then further gives us a license to continue that behavior .. thats yet another blog .. maybe I'll call it 'It's Your Fault').

One thing I have also noticed about recent pop culture, however, is that it lacks originality, so whenever somebody is 'hot', for the next year and a half every other artist is copying the one that is successful, and with Trey Songz being on top imagine if one by one artists continue in this vein and write songs that encourage our young men that it's ok to be faithful and respect our women... What a great thing that would be.  Trey Songz, I commend you for taking the first step towards getting society back on the right track publicly (even if u probably hitting off mad groupies backstage after your shows... There's that damn hater hat again.. Lol).  Good Job.

But then again, what do I know ... That I know nothing.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Message to Lebron...


Listen here Mr James!!  As I sit here in anticipation for your hour long special to announce where you're going (which in itself is ridiculous), I just thought I should let you know my stance (since I know you're an avid reader of my blog .. lol).  If you come to NY I will still think you are the best player in the league (ignore by Kobe blog, I was just saying that to get you mad .. lol)... If you stay in Cleveland, that would be very honorable and noble of you, especially after your mom smashed the homey!!  If you go to Chicago, I can respect that decision.  They have some good people at a lot of the positions that could make you a contender and they are still young. .. But, Mr James ... IF YOU DARE GO TO THE MIAMI HEAT .. I will have lost all respect for you.  Congratulations Kobe Bryant, you will no longer be my least favorite player in the league.  How can you go from being the best player in the league (arguably) to attempting to ride another player's coat tails to the championship.  That would essentially be you going from being Jordan to being Tony Kukoc!   Yes it is riding coat tails, because Wade already has a ring.  The announcement is about to start, so I wont continue because I know you need some time to read this before you announce.... but homey, dont embarrass us all .. Make ur momma proud ... oh, oops!  Ha

But then again, what do I know .. that I know nothing!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pray It Forward

Hey guys, today while rummaging through my desk looking for some specs so I could run a quarterly report, I stumbled upon a prayer that someone must have forwarded me and I printed it out. Every time I read it, it offers some calmness/soothing of mind and spirit for me. I know a couple of my friends are going through some tough times right now, so I figured I would share it with you guys hoping that someone else may be blessed by it .. Consider it me 'praying it forward'* ..

My prayer for you all:

May today be all you need it to be.

May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight, and conquer all your fears.

May God manifest Himself today in ways you have never experienced.

May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer, and your prayers be answered.

I pray that faith enters a new height for you;

I pray that your territory is enlarged.

I pray for peace, healing, health, happiness, properity, joy, true and undying love for God.


God promises a safe landing .. not a calm passage.

But then again, what do I know? ... that I know nothing.

*Note: 'Pray it forward' is simply a twist on the expression 'pay it forward'. For those not familiar with the expression:

The expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead (gotta love wikipedia)